Mike, Maggie and I drove up to Banff together during the week while they were visiting to give Maggie her first experience at snowboarding. The temperatures were pretty cold, but had warmed up a bit from earlier in the week. We decided to ease Maggie into it by taking her on the "bunny" hill to start.
Maggie's first try down the Bunny Hill |
Maggie's first fall on the Bunny Hill |
Mike helping her up for her second try |
After a few times down the "bunny' hill, we took Maggie up the lift and she was able to go down her first real trail. She did a fabulous job for her first time! She didn't even fall getting off of the lift - I was really impressed! Mike was a really good teacher and did a great job helping Maggie.
Mike and Maggie at the top of the mountain |
The next day, we took another trip up to Banff, this time with Matt. We got up there early in the morning to spend the day snowboarding. One the way, we saw a HUGE herd of Elk on the highway!!
Maggie was a trooper, going snowboarding for the very first time one day, and then going back the next day to try it again! She was very sore, but was still able to make it down a few trails. Then, she relaxed in the lodge for a bit while Matt, Mike and I went out for some more runs. Matt and I actually graduated from the easiest green runs, to the slightly more difficult blue trails! We're making progress! The conditions for our second day were AMAZING. It was a little bit warmer and snowing while we were there! Plus, it had snowed the night before so there was fresh powder. It's crazy how different it is to snowboard in powder compared to ice - a lot softer when you fall! We had the best time.
Mike on the lift! |
So snowy you can barely see the mountains! |
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